How to make a person who suffers from insomnia feel as bad as possible:(

I have suffered from insomnia my entire life.  It is a constant battle to sleep and I spend many nights awake and frustrated even though I am exhausted.

The problem is hereditary but it is also exacerbated by my auto immune disease and currently, by a hormone imbalance, which I am trying to get addressed.

So what have I tried for sleep?

What haven’t I tried?

Every supplement and pill under the sun has passed through my lips in the pursuit of sweet slumber.  Some of them worked for a time and then stopped and some made me so slow and stupid that I have done things like fall down a flight of stairs and break my leg.

The only thing that has even moderately helped lately has been taking Delta 9 (legal marijuana) gummies.  However, there are many problems with this approach:  It doesn’t always knock me out.  Sometimes I am wide awake and I eat shit I have no business eating.

I feel really bad about it when this happens.  It triggers all of my worst fears about weight and about a lack of self control and about drug addiction and about a whole myriad of things. And it irritates the people I live with.  This is embarrassing and painful on top of everything else. And today it has caused them to be angry with me.  I just don’t have the energy to deal with it today.  I feel crushed.

And to top it off, I build up a tolerance to any drug very, very quickly.

There is no exception when it comes to thc. So on a night like last night, and the entire 24 hour period before, I had nothing to take but gummies and I took them until I couldn’t feel anything anymore.  It didn’t matter.  I was still up.  I was just relaxed and I ate everyone’s snacks.  It  was/ is humiliating.

It was 2:00 am and then 4:00 am and 5:00 am and pretty soon it was 8 and I had slept maybe an hour all night: again.  I had moved downstairs to the couch to get away from my husband so I wouldn’t bother him but I bothered him anyway.

Sleep is the dividing line between sanity and depression.

It is the dividing line between health and illness.

And it is the dividing line between me feeling I have any control at all over a life that is mostly out of my control.

Currently, I have been fighting for six weeks to get my infusion medication filled under my new insurance.  I am going in circles.  It seems no matter how hard I try and no matter what string I pull, I am going to end up missing my infusion next week.

When I miss the infusion I start to ache all over.  I have worsening fatigue and I am more open to infection.

All of this is happening right as the semester starts and I go back to work. So, no, I have no control over anything.

I can’t control whether or not I get the medication that keeps me well enough to function.

I can’t control whether or not I sleep at all.

And I can’t seem to control what the fuck I eat when I take gummies with thc, which makes me want to just give them up.

That’s it.

I give up.



Something Has Changed Within Me……Something is Not the Same

Lyrics from “Defying Gravity”

Something has changed within meSomething is not the sameI’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s gameToo late for second-guessingToo late to go back to sleepIt’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap
It’s time to try defying gravityI think I’ll try defying gravityAnd you can’t pull me down

…I’m through accepting limits‘Cause someone says they’re soSome things I cannot change, but ’til I try, I’ll never knowToo long I’ve been afraid ofLosing love, I guess I’ve lostWell, if that’s love, it comes at much too high a cost…

No, I have not seen the “Wicked” movie yet, but being a musical theater kid I of course know all of the tunes. Who doesn’t want to Defy Gravity!?  Who doesn’t dream of flying?

I have been thinking a lot lately about different ways in which life sets limits on us and how we can chose to defy those limits.  In fact, the movie, “Wicked” is a perfect example.

I wanted to go see the movie as soon as it hit the theaters.  In fact, I wanted to make it an Occasion.  I told you; I am musical theater nerd!  I wanted to make it the dinner -in- the- theater sort of experience, and I planned to dress up in green for Elphaba. Yep, I identify with the green girl that is a little weird!

But none of that happened.  It wasn’t realistic.  I haven’t been in a movie theater since the pandemic.  Going to a movie theater, packed with people and eating and drinking next to them is a recipe for getting sick.  I really cannot  do it and feel smart about it.  Talk about setting limits and being reminded of things I’ve lost!  I really wanted to just ignore reality, leap and  go.

I almost did.

But then I remembered there is no Wizard.  And I am not a real witch.  And I cannot fly everywhere I wish to go.  I am quite literally grounded.

But I can fly with my mind. (I know that sounds strange.)

I can let my spirit fly.  I can soar with music.

I just have defy my own gravity. And by that I mean feeling trapped by my own frailties.  It isn’t always easy. I often feel tired and defeated.  This happens even when I am not suffering through a particularly bad patch, like I did last year with all of the pneumonia, etc.

I don’t like to talk about it but every day is a bit of a struggle with fatigue and pills and insurance, and  doctors and insurance,etc. and it gets very old.

But I can choose to defy my feelings of being limited just because my body is trying to make it so.  I can make my life have meaning and I can fight the fatigue and the depression it sometimes brings by giving of myself to others and standing outside of my own needs, lest I become too inwardly focused.

And I can always remember that there is a power greater than myself that I believe connects each and every one of us in the universe into a whole.  I find great comfort in that because it means that no matter how small and inconsequential and alone I feel: I am actually not alone.  For me, that connection, G-d, reminds me that who and what we are is so much more than these frail shells we walk around in.

Maybe, one day… I can defy gravity.

Maybe, one day… I will fly.

But until then, I will: write my, sing my, love my, walk my way away from everything that brings me down.